Thursday, 9 February 2017

Revelation: Corbyn is not God.

How about run the alternative scenario as of the referendum result forwards? The country votes for Brexit. A huge time and effort is put in explaining that the main reason for the unexpected swing etc etc is because millions feel 'left behind' especially by the 'metropolitan elite' which the media interpret as 'especially Jeremy 'Islington' Corbyn. So Corbyn was neither very pro-Remain or very pro-Brexit. So what? The nation itself was neither very pro-one or the -other. There are very good reasons to be not very pro-one or the -other. So, the question arises as to what a political party does with the result. Ignore it or go with it or abstain. The SNP have the 'alibi' of saying they are a 'country'. Corbyn has no such 'alibi'. If he chose 'ignore', let's pause a moment and imagine the chorus of hate, abuse, misrepresentation and mockery that would come down on 'Jeremy 'Islington' Corbyn's shoulders. "Corbyn Ignores Labour Heartlands' 'Corbyn Runs with the Luvvies' etc etc.

So Corbyn says that he'll go with the referendum. For this, he gets barrel loads of abuse from Labour-supporting Remainers most (not all) of whom hate him anyway and will do anything to get him out. Anything. And this paper gives them all the airspace they want and more. Meanwhile on the ground, Brexit voting voters 'in the north' (perhaps Labour or ex-Labou) are told every day that Corbyn's deserted you and only cares about refugees - even though he's just voted with them! The people who've 'deserted' them are the Remainers who are still 'Remaining' but who themselves say that they are the true Labour people - Owen Smith etc.

Corbyn says that now we fight. Which is exactly what is what would have happened had Remain won. The same issues are on the table: wages, conditions and services. Only crystal ball experts can say for certain whether the fight for these was going to be harder or easier given the two options that were in front of us at the time of the Referendum. I, for one, am prepared to put hand on heart and say, I couldn't discern which of those two options looked for certain (yes, for certain) offered the better option for working people and the unwaged poor. There were, and still are, too many variables to tell. And just because politicians talk about 'good for the economy' doesn't mean it's good for working people and the poor. In fact, there is everything to indicate that no matter what trade blocs we are in (or not) the future of capitalism is about increasing amassing for assets and wealth (not just income variation) in the hands of a tiny few, while the mass of working people are kept on as low as possible an income. Anyone looking at the segment on automation on the TV the other night,could see that the size of investment required to keep pace with the rate of automation, and the sheer amount of automation offer a frightening prospect for working people. How that would be different according to whether we are in or out of the EU is highly debatable.

So, Corbyn went with the referendum result in part perhaps to avoid the shit-storm. But as shit-storm is what it's been deemed he should have, he gets it anyway. Meanwhile, as he says, there is tomorrow: same old fights. All those flinging the proverbial at him, are you going to sign up for the fight for jobs, conditions and services, or simply go on and on and on and on and on saying that Corbyn is crappier than crap?