Tuesday, 28 July 2020

My books for teachers, students and parents

I thought I'd put together the various books I've written for teachers, students and parents to help them advise children and school students with writing, reading and being creative. 

'Good Ideas, how to be your child's (and your own) best teacher'
published by John Murrays, paperback

'What is Poetry? The Essential Guide to reading and writing poems' published by Walker  Books, paperback

'Poetry and Stories for Primary and Lower Secondary Schools' (self-published), paperback

'Why Write? Why Read?' (self-published), paperback

'Reading for  Pleasure' (self-published), paperback

'Michael Rosen's Book of Play' published by Profile, hardback

'The Author' (self-published), paperback

'How to Make Children Laugh', hardback, published by Quercus

'Alphabetical, how every letter tells a story', published byJohn Murray, paperback

'William Shakespeare: in his time, for our time', published by Bookmarks, paperback

'What's So Special about Shakespeare?', published by Walker Books, paperback

'What So Special about Dickens?, published by Walker Books, paperback. 

These are all available through my website or of course you can order them through your local bookshop.
