A place where I'll post up some thoughts and ideas - especially on literature in education, children's literature in general, poetry, reading, writing, teaching and thoughts on current affairs.
Thursday, 9 April 2015
The Conjuror
...and the conjuror appeared
and said,
‘Ladies and Gentlemen, the art of conjuring
is to make things change before your very eyes
without you knowing how or why.
We show you things and in a flash
they disappear and reappear somewhere else
or reappear as something else altogether different.
Ladies and Gentlemen, watch closely, see
the fingers never leave the hand,
I want you to tell me what I have here:
Yes, it’s a banking crisis, a full-blooded
international banking crisis, thank you.
Now, watch closely, don’t take your eyes off it
and with no more than a moment of patter
look again and what do I have?
A crisis in government spending.
That, Ladies and Gentlemen
is what conjuring is all about.
Thank you very much.’