This comment (not by me) is on a thread following an article about a Church of England school on the Guardian website. The school below is not the CofE school, it's a Jewish school.
If it is true, it is quite worrying, isn't it? After all, we're paying for this sort of thing to be going on.
"At the King David in Liverpool, state maintained Jewish Primary school, the percentage of Jewish children is roughly about 25%. Even though the percentage of Jewish children attending is quite small, the school has been infiltrated by, in my opinion, what is an extremist Jewish orthodoxy, and have thus implemented ridiculous rules on the rest of the population, whereby all children bringing packed lunches, even if they are not of the Jewish faith, are having them scrutinized by staff and offending foodstuffs removed. By offending foodstuffs, I mean things like Ready Salted Walker's crisps and other things that perhaps would be considered acceptable to most Jews, even those who consider themselves more religious. This whole extremist Jewish agenda has also crossed into the way, those who consider themselves more secular Jews are treated, with children of mothers who have converted treated as if they are not Jewish, this I have seen first hand at services and funerals.
To be quite frank, there should be no such thing as state maintained faith schools and there is no place for religious indoctrination in state maintained schools, for that is what it is.
In the case of the King David, the Jewish children are separated from the non-Jewish children for religious education and follow a different course, as the board puts it, Jewish children are not permitted to follow the same RE course as they, Jewish children, are taught differently than non- Jewish children and learn about other religions in a different way than non-Jews. Why? Why are Jewish children taught in a different manner about other religions than non-Jewish children are taught?"