When they do war
They forget how to count
They forget how to count
And that's how they do it.
They come
They kill
They kill
They go
They give us
No numbers
No names
They disappear them
They vanish them
It's how they do it.
They come
They kill
They kill
They go
Names are deleted
Numbers are un-counted
bodies are un-included
Faces are un-remembered
That's how they do it.
They come in
They flush out
They mop up
They take out
No numbers
No names
No names
No numbers
And it's worth it,
they say.
It's worth it.
Believe us, it's worth it
believe us.
Oh yes it IS worth it
if you forget how to count.
It IS worth it
if you forget the numbers.
It IS worth it
if you forget the names.
It IS worth it
if you forget the faces.
That's how they do it.
we're counting.
Watch us:
we're counting.
we're counting.
-we count.