A place where I'll post up some thoughts and ideas - especially on literature in education, children's literature in general, poetry, reading, writing, teaching and thoughts on current affairs.
Monday, 1 December 2014
New poem: Buildings
A team from the TV rushed down to a food bank and
asked the people about the deficit. Could they think of
ways of bringing down the deficit?
No, it didn’t seem as if they could.
We have hard choices to make, said the team, should
we cut hospitals or schools or social services? Or should
wages come down?
The people at the food bank said that they would prefer
it if it was none of those things.
You have to choose, said the TV team.
Why now? said one of the people. It wasn’t as bad as
this a few years ago.
It’s pretty complicated said the TV team, but you remember
there was a banking crisis? As a result we’ve got to
get ourselves back in the black.
The thing is, said another one of the people, we haven’t
got any money to do much about that. Why not go and
ask the people with money?
Ah, no, said the TV team, that would be like pulling down
a building in order to keep it up.
Ah well, said one of the people in the line, if you’re talking
about buildings, it’s us who build buildings. Money doesn’t
build buildings.
Sorry, don’t get you, said the people on the TV team, so
what’s it to be, schools or hospitals?