The megaphone said:
The deficit is a terrible problem.
The deficit is terrible.
The deficit must stop.
We know how the deficit must stop:
Poor people have got too much money.
Poor people have too many hospitals.
Poor people have too many schools.
Poor people are getting too much help.
The good news is:
We are going to stop poor people being so greedy.
We are going to stop poor people earning so much.
We are going to stop poor people having so many hospitals.
We are going to stop poor people have so many schools.
We are going to stop poor people getting help.
The good news is:
This is going to make the economy healthy.
The good news is:
It's working.
How do we know it's working?
Because poor people are getting poorer.
and super-rich people are getting richer.
Please join me with celebrating this.
Hip hip hurrah
hip hip hurrah
hip hip hurrah