Friday, 9 September 2016

New secret measurement of primary schools will follow

If more grammar schools come in, stand by for a new kind of secret measurement of primary schools coming in: how good a school is at getting kids into 'the grammar'. In fact, it will be a measure of how many middle class parents who want their kids to go, but from the outside it will look as if one school is 'better' at getting kids in and another not so good. 

This will then have a knock-on effect on what is taught and how it is taught in order to keep up with this kind of 'demand' in certain areas. This will be tied to the kind of questions that are asked on the exams that select - heavily loaded towards right/wrong answers, 'grammar' and 'verbal reasoning' (IQ). 

I suspect that much of this will revive the flagging IQ business anyway, with people accepting the idea that 'ability' is the same as doing IQ questions.