David Cameron berating 'Muslim women' for not speaking English was based, it seems, on a) dodgy figures, b) the kinds of things said about Jewish women in the 1920s.
Here's the link:
Note, the two 'researchers' claimed that with evidence like this they could 'prove' that Jews were inferior and a threat to the British.
What they weren't able to explain is how people like me ended up speaking and writing English.
That's a conundrum that Cameron won't be solving. He has other fish to fry: how to stoke up aggression and racism.
Incidentally, the left has been accused of falsely dubbing attacks on Islam as a form of racism. Now unpack what Cameron is saying: if you are a Muslim woman you are quite likely to not speak English. Really? It's Islam that prevents them, is it? Or is he using the term 'Muslim' to hide the fact that he is talking about some specific people who are Muslim? In which case he is talking in terms of cultural groups. In which case it would be a form of racism, if by any chance we were saying that he's discriminating against those people.
Well, there is the matter of the Tories cutting classes in English for migrants. In other words, the Tories have made it harder for people to learn English, even as he is berating them for not doing so.
Sounds like racism to me.