A place where I'll post up some thoughts and ideas - especially on literature in education, children's literature in general, poetry, reading, writing, teaching and thoughts on current affairs.
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Camembert Factory
I once went to a Camembert factory.
There were hundreds and hundreds
of Camemberts. What they did was
pour milk into Camembert
shaped collars. Then, as we walked
along, we walked from Camemberts
that had just been poured, to
Camemberts that had been there for
one week, two weeks, three weeks,
four weeks, on and on until it got
to ripe Camemberts. I was 13 and I
had never eaten Camembert. I thought
that they smelled of old socks and
there was no point in going round a
factory that was making old socks
out of milk but I was with my friends
Mart and Chris; and Mart said that he
loved Camembert and each time we
stopped and the man said, ‘une
semaine’ (one week), or ‘deux semaines’
(two weeks) and so on, he gave Mart
some to taste and each time, Mart said,
‘Mmmm, this is great,’ and you could
see bits of the soft smelly milky stuff
on his lips and inside his mouth and I started
to feel sick but on we went, ‘trois semaines’
‘Mmmm’, ‘Quatre semaines’ ‘Mmmm’
and it got smellier and smellier and the bits
of milky stuff on Mart’s lips were getting stickier
and stickier and Mart licked his lips and you could
see his tongue was covered in the thicker slimier
stuff so that when it flicked out of his mouth
it put more creamy lumps on to his lips, though
it didn’t really flick as it was so coated.